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News and Events

  1. Artist Residency at the Museum of Motherhood

    As part of an online artist residency this summer with the Museum of Motherhood in St. Pete’s, Florida, I’m curating an art exhibition on ”Pandemic Parenting; Collaborating and Carving Out Space for Art.” OCAD University issued a Press Release on my art exhibition and artist residency with the Museum of…

  2. Toronto Outdoor Art Fair 61

    I’m thrilled to be part of this year’s Toronto Outdoor Art Fair 61 both in-person and online. My ”Mommy Mayhem” and ”Motherhood Hit Me Like A Train” abstract paintings and fine art prints will be in Booth A24 from Friday July 15th to Sunday July 17th…

  3. Governor General’s Academic Award, Silver Medal

    Yesterday at the OCAD University 2022 convocation, I received the Governor General’s Academic Award, Silver Medal and a Bachelor in Fine Arts with Distinction (BFA with Distinction) in Painting and Drawing from OCAD University. I received the award for having the highest grades in the University’s graduating class.  I was…

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